Wednesday, May 1, 2013

2013 Women Build house

Hey Folks,

By Saturday, the roofers had shingled the roofs on both houses, so now we are Women Build working alongside our Thrivent Build neighbors. What great neighbors to have! :) The roof looks good!

Yesterday we had some great folks from Columbia Community Bank helping us getting our WB home better insulated by caulking the spaces between the studs. See the 04/07 In preparation post for more info on how caulking and insulation help make our homes Energy Star rated.

Braces are installed on the roof trusses to help stabilize them.

More siding work was done one house 5.

And what did I do with myself all day you ask (or not)? It's obvious I didn't get many photos taken. :( What I did do was spend the day being outwitted by a stairway ceiling going up to the second floor in the WB house. Bless Ri Len, she saved this project for me because she believed it would be a good learning experience for me. That woman has faith. I'm not sure if she's really seen me learn most things yet. Not to throw around puns, but I always say I go to the school of 2X4s. Learning things the hard way. Despite this, I took drawing in hand and set upon my task with the help from one of the super folks from CCB. We got the thing assembled, including a couple of tricky angled end cuts, that Ri Len taught us. Went to fit the assembly into place with the assistance from a whole bunch of the CCB folks (wearing hardhats of course because you're holding this thing over your head standing on the stairs) and...Drat! The dang thing wouldn't fit, of course, no matter how many ways we tried. So I sent for input from the Big Kahuna (Bill). He gave it a look see and said to take a quarter inch off the crosspieces. So down it came, was dismantled & the crosspieces shortened. Went to put it up again with CCB people helping out once more and....Drat! It still wouldn't fit. Now mind you, we're pretty close to the end of the day and everybody wants this thing in place, so I send for Mr Bill again (I keep this guy busy). He looks at it again and asked for a sledge hammer (also know as The Convincer). And indeed, he convinced it to go into place. It's not as pretty as it looked when we finished building but it's where it's suppose to be and  it'll do it job just fine. That was a lesson alright! I did picked up some pointers for a smoother placement next time. I'm determined to assemble another one next chance I get because I can't stand when inanimate objects make a monkey out of me. As you might imagine, I crave a lot of bananas. :-P

On that note...

Until next time, live your best life, however big or small it may be!


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