Sunday, March 31, 2013

Making progress

Hey Folks,

Here's some photos of how things looked at the beginning of the day. During the week, some windows were installed in 5 & 6 and the roofers were in on Thursday to get the shingles on. Shingling the roof is one of the jobs we use contractors for as they can get it done in an efficient and cost effective way.

The driveways were poured for the WB/Thr (Women Build/Thrivent) houses and you can see the posts and beams for the subfloor were completed. The plumbing for these homes was also installed into the crawlspace area. Once the houses are framed and interior walls are built, the plumbers will come in again to bring the water & sewer pipes up from the crawlspace into the kitchen and bath with the plumbing to be completed as part of the finishing process.

I have to tell you, we couldn't have asked for a more perfect day yesterday. The sun was out, the sky was blue, the temperature was warm with a slight breeze. I was so looking forward to a day working in the sunshine! This didn't happen. Ended up working inside all day. Drat! :( It was tough for a few minutes, but I was able to work with two fantastic women, Ri Len, who you may remember, will be our Women Build Crew Leader and Kathy (she requested not to be photographed), who is our expert in installing ductwork along with having a variety of other skills around our builds. We finished up most of the work for houses 5 & 6 and got a good start on getting the ductwork for our WB/Thr homes.

 Ri Len & I worked as a team, with Kathy's guidance, using an electric metal cutter to cut out vent holes in the aluminum ducting. It's not as easy as it seems. :) We both also got a chance to use a tool called a sawzall to trim some nailers (you may remember these from the Feb 24th Safety first post), so we could fit some of the ductwork into the furnace room. When you have a variety of people working on different parts of a house, adjustments often need to be made along the way. Sometimes big ones! Luckily that wasn't the case yesterday. :)

We had some great volunteers from Farmers Insurance help us put on subfloor decking for the WB/Thr homes and install drywall (sorry I missed getting some pics of that) in house 8. It's very important to get that first row of subfloor in carefully so the dimensions of the house end up correct for framing. Holes also need to be drilled in their proper places for plumbing and to fit over where the bolts are that secure the beams to the cement foundation. Lots of measuring twice and, hopefully, drilling once. ;)

Marshall (L), a regular like me, made sure to wear his safety glasses as he trims a piece of subfloor.

Muhammad (R), one of our future homeowners, helps with the decking as part of his sweat equity hours.

As a combined group, we nearly completed the subfloor, ducting and drywall on various houses. Everyone gave their best efforts & a lot was accomplished. 

 It was wonderful to have had Ed Brauner stop by to check out our progress, have lunch with us, and share his thanks and encouragement. He, along with his wife Ellen, are this site's namesakes in recognition for over 25yrs of service to WWHH. Amazing people!

This last photo is of a Magnolia tree, from one of the neighbors' yard, just about to bloom. Spring!

Until next time, live you best life, however big or small it may be!


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