Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cake Pops...or not

Hey Folks,

It's a Bake Sale day and one the items on my menu was to be cake pops. Maybe you've seen those cute little cakes on a stick that can be dipped into melted candy chips and decorated in all kinds of adorable ways. Really! That's what the box containing the fancy schmancy cake pop baking machine said when I bought the darn thing. Yeeesss...I bought one (head hung in shame). Well, let me tell you after numerous hours of monkeying with the cake batter and the machine (heating it up & cooling it down) and my kitchen looking like a flour bomb went off in it, I finally had to call it...FAIL! They came out looking like little pods from some alien movie. I was afraid if I stared at them long enough some screeching, slimy little creature would come bursting out and chase me around until it could attach itself to my spine and control my mind. I would then be forced to take over the world and make my fellow humans do stuff like eat nothing but pizza for every meal 7 days a week for like...forever! And though my cousin David would happily submit to that, I'm sure the rest of you would tire of it in no time.

Anyway, digressive diversion aside...needless to say there were not cake pops for sale today. Several hours past my bedtime & in the midst of the disaster zone that was my kitchen, I found myself making cookies. Somehow my subconscious mind had taken over when I was shopping the week before and had bought extra ingredients for a Plan B I was unaware of. I'm beginning to think my subconscious mind knows me a whole lot better than the conscious one seems to. Hmmmm...

As for the candy melts I was suppose to dip them in and they'd come out looking all perfect? Did not perform as advertised, 'nuff said.

Despite my silly exploits in the kitchen, and because of my wonderful co-workers, it was another amazingly successful fundraising event! My awesome celebrity co-baker Cindy E made a rave worthy Oatmeal, Spiced Cake with Cream Cheese frosting. Many thanks to her!! My contribution was of course, not cake pops, but Oatmeal Cranberry Raisin cookies and two kinds of Five Layer bars, one with chocolate chips and the other with butterscotch chips. My generous co-workers made donations totaling $84.01!!!!! I'm so grateful! Thanks as well to Mollie from Willamette West Habitat, who stopped in for a tour of our building and got a few treats to bring back to the office with her. You may remember from my first post, she's the one who got me into all of this. Wait!?! I'm thanking her? ;) Yes, thank you Mollie. :)

Don't faint...I actually remembered to take a picture of the table before the start of the sale. The plates were notably empty at the end of my day. Many, many thanks to all!



  1. Hey Nan! Ray here. If you dipped those cakey bally things in green food coloring and sold them as Alien Pops, I'd totally buy one. Not to eat. Just for the companionship.

    Thanks, my friend. I was in ferocious need of some belly laughs today.

  2. Much laughter ahead on Women Build :) The Regular build folks will be telling us to keep it down to a low roar ;)
